Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Bright Road: Purgatory - Chapter Three

The Bright Road: Purgatory
Chapter Three
By: Roger Alderman

            A large air vent cover on the side of the hospital bursts opens and CLATTERS to the ground.  Sarah and Jesse slowly emerge from the air vent. Sarah lowers Jesse to the ground. He glances around in shock at the post-apocalyptic landscape of world he has now become part of. 

 Sarah hops down from her perch unassisted, “uh thanks.” Jesse shakes his head in confusion of their surroundings. “Purgatory is made from the memories of the living and this area still haunts the livings thoughts,” Sarah offers sorrowfully, as she takes in their surroundings.

“Most people who end up here wandering lost and alone,” Sarah adds pointing to a gaunt and sickly looking middle-aged woman in a tattered business suit. The woman walks arms folded and looking downward, as she shakes her head with steaming tears expressing her inner sadness.

“But alone here means,” Sarah pulls Jesse down behind some rubble and motions for him to remain silent. Jesse follows, but his confusion hangs clear in his expression. She gestures at a pack of twisted shadow like people. His attention fixates on them.

“The hungry dead will find and consume you,” Sarah looks away, as the hungry dead pounce upon the middle-aged woman. The woman screams, “Help Me!” Jesse begins to rise, but Sarah grabs his wrist and pulls him back down. Jesse looks to his wrist then to Sarah, “why?” Sarah exhales loudly, “We’re not strong enough to fight off a single phantom let alone a whole pack.” “Phantoms?” Jesse questions. “That’s what we call the hungry dead… Phantoms,” Sarah replies.

The children watch, as the woman is ripped limb from limb and consumed by the phantoms. Jesse quickly becomes overwhelmed by the struggle ad looks away. He notices Sarah watching the assault with a barely concealed smile, as she takes glee in what they are witnessing.

Jesse throws his hands up and blurts out, “What’s wrong with you?” “Me!” Sarah answers aggressively, “You’re the one acting like…” “Like what …a child?” Jesse shakes his head in disbelief, “We just watched that lady get torn apart by those…” “Phantoms, they’re called Phantoms!” Sarah interrupts.  They turn away from each other and attempt to recover their composure.

Jesse breathes deeply and scans the horizon. He turns to look at Sarah, as he chooses his words to bring calm to the situation, “Sarah, I…” He pauses, as she turns to face him. Just beyond Sarah, Jesse takes sight of and approaching mob of angry looking spirits moving with determination towards them.
Sarah turns to see what has taken Jesse’s words away. “Shit!” Sarah porcelain doll like face fills with rage, as she lowers her head. Jesse steps backward, but gets pulled behind Sarah by his wrist.

“You really wanna’ do this, Daniel?” Sarah growls. Jesse watches fearfully, as the mod stops and a figure moves forward. “Who,” Jesse begins. “Shut up, Jesse,” Sarah scolds. Jesse studies the figure that steps forward, as Sarah again lowers her head and prepares for the conflict that has come.

The elderly man stands ready to fight, as the winds pull at his worn hospital gown. “Told you to leave my family alone, Sarah” Daniel announces, “Your issues are with ME, not them!” Daniel stands defiant before the pair. Daniel motions for the mob to encircle the children. 

“Sarah,” Jesse whispers, “what do they want?” Sarah shakes her head in disbelief of Jesse’s naivety. “I’ll never let them take you from me,” she states with passionate confidence. Sarah snarls at Daniel, as her body shakes and twitches violently. Sarah’s body jerks violently side to side, as green light burst through cracks that race across her porcelain doll like body.

 Jesse rips free from her vice like grip unsure of what to make of the situation. Jesse steps away from Sarah holding his wrist, “what the hell are you, Sarah?” Sarah lunges for Jesse. “Get away from him!” Daniel launches himself at Sarah slamming her to the ground.

 “Hide we’ll...” Daniel gasps, as Sarah throttles him by the neck. Sarah lowers her head, as her outer shell fragments further. Seeing Daniel in trouble the mob descends upon Sarah. Jesse hides behind a fractured antediluvian wall. His thoughts race trying to come to grips with events that have unfolded so far, this day. Jesse summons courage and peers through one of many holes in the wall at the fight.

The mob has piled upon Sarah, but a sickly green glow emanates from inside. Jesse watches puzzled at what must be happening. A great wave of green energy pulses from beneath the mob. Sending all the spirits, but Daniel flying in all directions. Daniel stands a defiant bulwark against Sarah’s rage made manifest.
Sarah stands at the center of the shallow crater created by the force of the blast. Her true appearance finally revealed, a tall sickly thin Goth dressed girl with torn clothing. Her eyes burn with an otherworldly green fire that bathes everything in its light.

Daniel scowls at Sarah, “Carrying out Russell’s orders still?” Sarah cuts a devilish smile at Daniel, “How’s the wife?” “You bitch!” Daniel charges at Sarah. Sarah finger extend into long serrated knife-like, talons. Daniel stops quickly in his track, as he notices the claws.

Daniel pulls a two by four piece of lumbar. The rest of the spirits that arrived with him gather improvised weapons, as well. “You can’t have him,” Daniel snarls at Sarah. He lunges through the air swinging his club in a great arc at Sarah. She twists easily aside avoiding Daniel’s attack with unnatural ease.
Jesse watches reminded of the hours he spent playing fighting games online with his friends. He watches with a smile at the action, but his face slowly shows his growing confusion. The battle rages, but he still holds uncertainty over whom he should be rooting for.

Sarah crouches low like a panther ready to pounce, as Daniel and the spirit mob close in around her.  She glances towards Jesse’s hiding spot, “Don’t come out they’re like the phantoms and want to eat you like the old lady.” She chuckles, as the color leaves Jesse’s face.

Daniel calls out, “Don’t listen to her. She’s not what she seems to be.” Jesse ducks back behind the wall. “What do they want with me?” Jesse whispers. He stands back up amidst the chaos of the otherworldly combat. Sarah’s fast movements allow her to avoid their attacks and deliver hit after vicious hit.  

Sarah attacks with forceful strike and she rips open a spirit. The spirit watches its essence flow from the wound. Daniel lunges at Sarah with an attack. Sarah narrowly avoids the hit. “Can’t protect him forever!” Sarah screams. “As long as I am here. You will never have him!” Daniel yells.

Jesse looks away from the fight, “Why are They destroying each other?” Sarah leaps past a spirit and tears its head off, as she passes above. She lands and casually tosses the head aside, as both the spirit and its head collapses into green gray ash, “Bring it on, grand pa!”

Daniels attacks are slow, but with her attention on the other spirits he lands a hit. The club shatters into pieces, as the blow send her reeling backwards. The mob rushes in with their weapons and start beating on her. Sarah lashes out disemboweling two spirits. The wounded spirits quickly turn to green gray ash, as they fall to their knees.

Sarah rises again in a well-choreographed dance of death. She wounds and rips spirits apart with ease as she spins and whirls. Daniel moves out of Sarah’s reach. Seeing her attention focused on destroying the other spirits he rushes towards Jesse. Sarah ends her form surrounded by the fading remains of the spirit mob. “If I can’t have him. Then nobody can,” Sarah screams.

Daniel get near Jesse first and reaches out for Jesse. Jesse recoils from Daniel and Sarah in fear of what may happen.  Sarah surges with demonic fury and rushes to reach Jesse. Sarah swings her talons at Jesse. Daniel takes the hit from Sarah intended for Jesse. He stands firm as her talons plunge into him. “We did not come alone,” Daniel groans.

Sarah looks and sees an army of angry souls rushing towards them. Daniel clutches his wound, “You can’t dance forever.” Sarah scowls and in a surge of strength leaps away landing with unnatural grace atop a massive pile of debris one hundred yards away. Sarah clenches her teeth and bounds away, “he will be ours!”

Seeing their leader in distress the new arrival rush to Daniel’s side. Daniel closes his eyes and places his hands over his wound. Jesse watches in amazement, as his wound slowly heals. Daniel walks with help from the other spirits to Jesse.

Jesse’s mind races, as his memories assault his senses. Daniel looks down at the confused little boy, “Don’t you remember me?” Jesse stares into Daniel’s weathered face for a long moment. Jesse’s past flashes through his mind. His look of confusion turns to excitement, “You…” Daniel’s face lights up, as Jesse slams into him with the kind of hug only a grandson can give. Jesse whispers, “grandpa.”

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